These pictures are amazing. Dorota once again shares an update from her amazing family on how they are putting your generosity to work:
Last week was busy here in Ohio as well as on the other side of the ocean :)
In Chorzow, Poland my brother with his wife (Woytek and Joanna) were shopping and delivering necessary items for opening the housing unit for 55 people. Today the first group of 15 people will move in from shelters hosted in gymnasiums of the middle schools in Chorzow.
Using money collected by our parishioners they purchased 7 sets of linens, pillows, and blankets for new housing units created in a former nursing home. They also bought lots of baby items for a 4-month old baby girl who will move in there with her family. In addition, they purchased laundry drying racks, some kitchen dishes, and pots, shower curtains, and a supply of towels and toilet paper.
In addition, they delivered milk and fresh produce to the shelter - enough for over 55 people.
On the other hand, I got in touch with one of my former co-workers who coordinates the transition of the refugees from the elementary school shelter (I used to work there before moving to the US) into public housing units. They brought in some needs as well: microwave, electric hot water pot, and a hairdryer for 3 units. I was able to order it online and they already received some of it, the rest is expected to arrive this week. The families will remain in the school through Easter. They have 14 children living on site. So I did order some Easter candies for all of the kids.
Last, but not least, last Saturday I was able to ship the rest of the goods collected in Lidia's bakery. This time it was seven boxes but they were much bigger. We shipped lots of towels, linens, baby items, and leftovers of used clothes and shoes. Shipment is very expensive, even with the received discount I have spent another $720 on it. I have set an amount of money for shipping toys (hopefully they are much lighter than clothes and towels) but it works better and is more efficient if the needed items are purchased directly in Poland and delivered where needed. Thanks to the pandemic (did I really say it?!) shopping online became more popular and accessible in Poland too!.
I am attaching pictures of the new house for 55 refugees (the old building that used to be a nursing home - they still use the bedding and furniture from the nursing home) and shopping in action. There are also pictures of the two shelters in Chorzow that we are collaborating with.
Hopefully, by next week I will have pictures of new families who are moving in soon.