Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Holy Name Society (HNS) is to combine the ideals of Spiritual Growth, Charitable Works, Fund Raising and Entertainment in a way that brings the men of St. Colette’s Parish together.
Are you looking for an opportunity for fellowship, camaraderie, and service? We’re looking for a few good men!
Board Members
Spiritual Growth Charitable Works the handy man crew
Fundraiser Events Entertainment Events FAQs
The latest from Holy Name!
Click here for all HNS events
The photos show HNS members Mike Bartok and Sal Germano preparing the delicious Bananas Foster dessert for members and guests at a Holy Name Society General Meeting. The dessert was very popular!
Board members
Marshal: Ken Hahn
Handy Man Director: John Brandmeier
Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Tim Gareau
President: Don Feuerstein
Contact Don: 216-338-3457
Vice President: Dale Butwina
Treasurer: Lou Baga
Secretary: OPEN
2025 Schedule of Events:
Monday, Mar 3, HNS Mass at 6:15p; board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Mar 13, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level*
Monday, Apr 7, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Apr 10, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Sunday, Apr 27, HNS Southwest Deanery Awards Dinner, Corbie Hall (RSVP req’d)
Monday, May 5, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, May 8, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Monday, Jun 2, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Jun 12, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Monday, Jul 7, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Jul 10, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Monday, Aug 4, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Aug 14, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Monday, Sep 1 , HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Sep 11, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Wed-Sun, Sep 10-14, HNS National Convention, at Jesuit Retreat Center in Parma, details TBA (RSVP req’d)
Sunday, Sep 14, HNS Bishop’s Dinner, (RSVP required)
Monday, Oct 6, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Oct 9, HNS general meeting & dinner at 7pm, Lower Level *
Sunday, Oct 12, HNS pancake breakfast & pierogi sale, following 8 and 10am masses
Monday, Nov 3, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Nov 13, Blessed John of Vercelli vespers service at 7pm in the church, followed by fellowship and refreshments in Corbie Hall
Monday, Dec 1, HNS Mass at 6:15p; Board meeting immediately following
Thursday, Dec 11, HNS Christmas dinner at 7pm, Location TBD (RSVP req’d)
Host Vespers Services regularly for the parish
Host Blessed John of Vercelli Holy Hour
Monthly Meetings that highlight:
The commitment to honor the Holy Name of Jesus through the Holy Name Society pledge
Prayers for the families and friends of the members in need o Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
Updates and involvement in Parish issues and events
The supply and preparation of food for parish events and for the homeless
Monetary support of the parish activities
Annual socks and underwear drive for the poor
Handyman Crew
Special projects like refurbishing the Stations of the Cross at the Shrine
THe Handy Man Crew
The Handy Man Crew – helping parishioners in need with simple tasks around the household. Examples include minor repairs that can be completed in a day or weekend. HNS provides free labor, but not parts nor materials. Contact the church office to submit your request.
Fundraiser Events
The Holy Name Society raises funds to support our ministries by hosting pancake breakfasts at the parish 2-3 times per year. In addition, we make and sell artisan pierogis.
But, we do more than just pancakes and pierogis… we put the fun back into fundraising! With help from the Daughters of St. Colette, we deliver a spirited brunch experience!
Dinner served after each general meeting
Support of the Youth Group events and activities, including Christmas Village, The Parish Picnic, and the Veritas Youth Group!
Occasional speakers for the parish
Current Event Schedule:
Check out our event page.
Who can join?
The Holy Name Society is open to all adult men of St. Colette Parish or St. Ambrose Parish.
Do you have any dues?
Current dues are a bargain of $5.00 per year.
When are the meetings?
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7pm. They are generally held in the church hall, but occasionally in the Atrium or picnic area (during the warmer weather).
How do I join?
New members may join at any meeting by completing our Form and dropping it off at the office or to a current member.
How do I learn more about the Holy Name Society?
If you would like to learn more information about HNS, please contact one of our board members or drop a note in the Parish Office and request to be connected with one of our Board Members! There is also a national Holy Name Society website to visit. Click here for more information!